
Liquana Security Limited is a meticulous security firm in Kenya that is dedicated to providing professional and world class safety solutions to its clientele across Africa. The staff are professional and experienced with most of them supplemented with relevant customized security training per assignment. We are capable of dealing with all your safety and vigilance needs and offer a complete range, planning, system analysis and design as well as executive services

we provide
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Our Vision

Provide excellenet safety and vigilance that fully satisfies the needs and aspirations of our

Our Mission
Liquana Security Limited is committed to providing exceptional services by delivering personalized, high – quality and cost efficient solutions to meet the need of our clients.
Our Motto

Empowering safety with vigilance.

Our Core Values

Empowering safety with vigilance.

We are driven by a passion to deliver the best safety and vigilance services and this progressively keeps us exploring the best practices in the sector to serve our customers better over time.

Customer Focus

The importance of our customer cannot be overstated. We maintain close interaction with all our clients to understand the security problems they may be facing and advise appropriately


Our expertise help us deliver the right solutions. We continually analyse the security threats and any emerging crime trend and advise our clients on appropriate counter measures.

Team Work

We have learnt the essence of team work. We build on our collective strengths from all levels.

About us

Get Satisfied with the services we provide in security firm.

Each and every one of our personnel have and will continue to acquire the professional knowledge and skills required to perform their tasks and will implement them while striving continuously to perfect their personal and collective achievements.

Satisfied Clients
Expert team
Activate Project
Years of Experience